On Post-It Notes, DuckDuckGo, and Other Simple Solutions
Post-It Notes Think of that opaque little eye on your laptop’s forehead, its webcam, and think of everything it has seen. Did you know hackers can throw a spell over that lens from a distance and peer out of it? That, if they want, they can record what they see, and blackmail you? Think of what that eye has seen: appreciate the snitch’s sway it suddenly holds over you. You could pluck it out this minute and throw it in the garbage disposal; you could roll over your entire laptop with your car, and it won’t matter. If you were targeted, your webcam has already told the things it’s seen. I see your memory working, Average Person; ha, you're blushing crimson! I wager an image of yourself just rose before you, or several. You’re in bed with your partner, on your birthday, while your laptop’s silent eye watches from where you placed it on your dresser… You’re checking your email before you hop in the shower, bending across your...